Discovering the Transcendent: A Spiritual Journey with Music, Sufism, and Beyond

You are presented with an opportunity of a lifetime. In 10 seconds you are getting up on stage in front of thousands of people to share whatever message you want. Get ready.  3,2,1, Go!” This was a visual meditation that my career coach guided me through recently. As she spoke those words and impressed this setting into my imagination, I could feel my heart beating faster, the palm of my hands getting sweaty, and my mouth becoming dry. 

What message could I possibly share? Do I have something that is worth sharing? These questions of self worth and value came rushing to my mind in a fraction of a second as she was counting down. And then, without resistance, and with complete relaxation, the image of playing music formed itself in my mind. 

You see, ever since I can remember, music has been at the center of my being, the language of which my soul speaks, so playing music was the most natural response to that question. But music was not alone at the center, it was always intertwined with the mystical and transcendent feelings it evokes. 

This fascination with the transcendent aspect of music at a young age sparked my curiosity about the subtler moods of life. It opened a door within me, leading me on a path of self-exploration. However, my inner journey took on new significance when I left my home in Jordan and moved to the United States at the age of 15.

Being immersed in a completely new culture and surrounded by people from different backgrounds and traditions was a shock that made me question everything I knew about the world, my tradition, and myself. This shock, along with being around like-minded friends, played a significant role in my spiritual journey.

From the age of 15 until my late 20s, my focus was on finding the truth, but I didn’t really know what I was looking for exactly. I spent my time reading books from various traditions, listening to lectures from New Age masters, experimenting with different exercises and techniques, and attending a university where meditation was at the core of the curriculum.

Up until late 2019, my journey felt like that of a hungry falcon soaring high in search of prey. All that I studied and practiced allowed me to reach heights and perspectives I couldn't have otherwise. At this high altitude, Sufism was introduced to me by a dear friend. With little prior knowledge of Sufism other than what I had heard growing up in Jordan, I began to research. The moment I read "The Alchemy of Happiness" by Al-Ghazali, I felt a sense of natural relaxation within my body, similar to the effects of music. Sufism presented itself to me as the music to my soul. And as the falcon, I knew that's where I would find sustenance, so I stooped. 

I truly believe that everything comes at its own time, but to say that I never wished I was introduced to Sufism earlier would be a lie. I remember while I was searching to learn more about Sufism, I got overwhelmed by the vastness of the topic. So many different orders, so many ways, so many philosophies, all while being accompanied by a sense of secrecy and exclusivity. Then a seed was planted in my heart - the desire to create a space where like-minded individuals could come together to explore the depths of spiritual wisdom from Sufism and various wisdom traditions. And from that seed, Bab Al Ilm was born.

As it is still in its sprouting stages, I do not want to put any limitations or definitions on what Bab Al Ilm is or what it should be. Instead, I want to allow it to blossom into its own potential, reflecting the community that it fosters.

With this intention and an attitude of expansion, I invite those on a similar quest to join us at Bab Al Ilm. Together, we can explore the depths of spiritual wisdom, work towards the expansion of human consciousness, and create a community that is truly reflective of the individuals who make it up.


The Mystics Speak in One Voice