The Road Where Every Moment Matters

What dances in a Beatles' tune and in Da Vinci's artistic swoon,

In the weave of Scottish wool and memories where hearts are full,

Yet, often unseen, in daily routine, and moments in between?

What springs forth from chaos and change, unbound by time or range,

And grows not in destinations far, but where you presently are?

What's celebrated in every breath, undeterred by life or death,

And flows in the now, in the trials we allow, in designs that make us bow?

What's in every step we take, in every dawn we wake,

In love, in wisdom, in courage at stake, and in the perfection we make?

Peek within, my friend, for the answer isn't around the bend,

The riddle's answer hides not in the ether, but within, a silent contender.

The answer you seek, the perfection that's meek,

Unfolds in the life's ebb and flow, and in the moments we often forgo.

So, what is this that's not confined, but in every moment designed?

Read on, dear friend, and you may find, the answer in your heart and mind.


In the awe-inspiring journey of life, we often find ourselves shrouded within a mesmerizing spectacle of illusions - a dreamscape, if you will, where perfection personifies itself in an array of forms. From the hypnotic allure of art and music to the intricate beauty of artisanal creations, and even those personal memories that are so tender they make our hearts skip a beat.

Take a moment to ponder on the undeniably profound resonance of The Beatles' Abbey Road album - many say it’s perfect. 

The Mona Lisa, with her captivating and enigmatic smile, stands as a testament to the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci - many say it’s visually perfect. 

The intricate stitching of a Scottish wool cardigan, handcrafted with love, and the indelible memory of a vibrant beach sunset shared with a loved one - many say this item would be perfect.

All seem to encapsulate what we consider to be perfect or perfection.

Yet, there is an irony in our pursuit of these grand ideals. Amidst this chase, we often overlook the inherent beauty and perfection present in every fleeting moment, every meaningful interaction, and indeed, every breath that gives us life. There's a constant yearning for a state of being that we perceive to be 'better', 'improved', or 'different'. All too often, we become blinkered by our misconceptions of what perfection truly embodies.

Isn't it intriguing how we tend to box our perception of perfection into particular moments, frozen like relics of time?

We somehow lose sight of the fact that perfection is not a fixed destination to reach but rather an ongoing, continuous journey.

My Definition: Perfection is the tranquility of heart, attainable only through the mindful acknowledgement that you have fully embraced the beauty of the present moment and are continually striving to reveal the hidden potential within every fragment of time and space.

Keeping it simple: Perfection is finding peace in knowing you're making the most out of every moment.

In its rawest form, perfection is a beautifully dynamic process. It's omnipresent, continuously unfurling within the framework of our existence. Those precious snapshots of perfection that we cherish are actually birthed from the randomness and transformation of everyday life. They are masterpieces sculpted by the ebb and flow of the present moment, products of the beautifully chaotic universe we inhabit.

But let's pause for a moment and envision something different.

Imagine celebrating each and every moment of your life, embracing the inherent perfection that exists within blips of time and space, rather than comparing them to past experiences.

These memories, however cherished, are immortalized and unchanging, unlike the ever-evolving present. Could there be anything more liberating, more fulfilling than this acknowledgement of constant growth and change?

Perfection, in its truest and most authentic form, is unconditional acceptance. It is the ability to uncover joy, love, and beauty in each passing moment, irrespective of outward appearances. This notion of perfection recognizes that even amid life's trials and tribulations, pains and sorrows, peaks of joy or valleys of ecstasy, there lies a hidden, perfect design waiting to be discovered.

As you stride forward on this journey that we call life, remember to cherish every moment, every breath. Each step you take holds the space to bring you closer to the heart of the body known as “perfection”. Celebrate yourself, your journey, and the beautiful chaos that continually molds perfection in the seemingly imperfect from a multiplicity of vantage points.

I hope you find the courage to recognize the perfection in every moment, every crevice of time and space. May you possess the wisdom to see beyond mere memories and the love to cherish every single moment of your existence.

Here's to discovery, one breath, one heartbeat at a time.

Abraham Sharkas

Holding a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and is close to completing a Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, as well as a Level 5 Degree in Applied Positive Psychology, Abraham Sharkas aspires to continue walking the path of discovery and inquiry for presence and Being. He hopes to use theoretical approaches to assist others on their journey of self-discovery and self-inquiry to live harmonious lives. He is also a published poet with two books, "The Mystic Path of Ordinary Beings" and "The Threads That Weave The Universe,"exploring a creative medium as the such to articulate spiritual truths and universal ways of living. As a member of the board of Bab Al Ilm, he is committed to creating safe and inclusive spaces for this organization as well as the field he works in professionally.

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