A path we follow in discovering who we are on the inside is being there for others on the outside.

To experience the many aspects of the Divine, we choose to grasp the many facets of service to grow closer.

Embedded in our world view, our inner work matters greatly beyond ourselves. The path of inner work produces a subtle and refined energy, and through action, effort, and attention, this energy becomes needed by and useful to people around our planet. The deeper our inner work, the greater the reactivity that service and being their for others shows it’s effects. In this way of understanding, we not only seek intellectual matters but, through loving action, cause a positive ripple effect in our world today. Actions that look like service include charity, fundraising for causes, assistance in food pantries, clothing drives, and much more. Our goal is to continually be there for each and every community in need, in all ways. From kindness to action, being their for others is one of our roots.

Infinite ways to be of service

We are always looking for individuals or groups that would be interested in giving back to the greater community. If you are interested and want to know more about upcoming opportunities or you’d like to inquire on working together with your group or organization, please fill out the contact form. We’d love to work together.


If the information provided does not address your questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for further clarity.

  • We believe that all actions of service originate from the Divine and make their way back to the Divine. Our practices, inner work, and efforts are all aimed at serving the world from the overflow of Love and Compassion within us, which ultimately is the overflow of the Divine. As guardians of the planet we have been entrusted with, we recognize the responsibility to use the power and light of the Divine to transform moments of crisis into opportunities of awakening by practicing the path of Service.

  • We collaborate with a diverse range of organizations that share our values of inclusivity, anti-discrimination, and anti-hate. As responsible stewards of the world, we strive to align our time, effort, and actions with initiatives that promote equality, peace, and love for all. Our partnerships are carefully chosen to ensure they reflect our commitment to these endeavors.

  • A popular saying holds that meditation is only preparation, and that true progress is made through action. When we’re presented with opportunities of volunteerism, advocacy, or support we approach each opportunity in three folds; Intention, Action, and Reflection. We believe that this wholistic approach allows for the expansion of consciousness not only in moments of service but in our daily lives. We become witnesses of the causes and effects in our lives.

    By acting with awareness and intention as Seekers of Servitude, we can ensure that our actions are more innovative and effective, while also expanding our understanding of the world and ourselves.

  • Though it may look like outreach, though it may appear as volunteerism, and though it may be acknowledged as an effort for good…Service is greater.

    Service, as we believe, is a path to spiritual understanding. It is a way of making deeper contact with the interconnectedness of reality. Knowing and understanding this interconnectedness is the core of service, but it can be easily overshadowed by moral preaching, religious myths, and preconceived notions about human nature and potential.